Consulting Services
MRI focuses on developing best in class systems and tools to support competency-based, demand-driven talent systems that align employers, educators and individuals.
Talent Sourcing & Selection
We support employers in implementing Evidence-Based Selection, a fair, objective, data-driven approach to hiring and promotion; proven to reduce turnover while increasing diversity and quality of hire. For an example of our work helping employers adopt an Evidence-Based Selection model, see We are the technology partner and technical consultants that guide the work of HireReach.
Talent Coaching & Development
We support employers, workforce agencies, community-based organizations, and educators in implementing Evidence-Based Career Coaching to support individual job seekers and employees in their career journey.For an example of our work expanding the practice of Evidence-Based Career Coaching, see We are the assessment technology partner and consultants that guide the work of CareerPoint.
Job Analysis
We provide employers and regions with job analysis services using our O*NET Confirmatory Job Analysis Process. For an example of our work with job analysis, see We developed and implement the tools and methods used by JobSync.
Regional System Change
We support regions in system level change, implementing our suite of evidence-based methods and tools to improve the performance and fairness of the talent ecosystem. For an example of our regional transformation work, see TalNet is a network of talent system innovators united in a commitment to accelerate economic mobility in West Michigan by improving the quality of career decisions in education, training and job selection. We act as the network broker and guide the TalNet innovations with our assessment products and consulting services.
Building Evidence-Based Talent Systems
Talxcellenz is the registered trademark name for our Talent Excellence System – the set of tools and processes we use for Evidence-Based Selection and for the development of career pathways. The Talxcellenz website supplies tools for job analysts seeking to define, validate, and openly communicate competencies that can be measurably related to job performance. These tools and processes provide a foundation for a cooperative and openly shared competency-based talent supply chain system that aligns employers, individuals, providers, and publics across the US economy.
The Talxcellenz website ( provides support to job analysts and enables them to complete job analysis using a method that is better, faster and cheaper than traditional methods by leveraging the O*NET. The website supports the creation of:
The Talxcellenz website ( provides support to job analysts and enables them to complete job analysis using a method that is better, faster and cheaper than traditional methods by leveraging the O*NET. The website supports the creation of:
- Job Family Sets
- Job Families
- Competency Families
- Job Family Portraits (comprehensive illustrations of competencies)
- Competency Ratings (importance and level)
- Task Lists
- Tools and Technology Lists
Job Analysis Report: The job analysis report includes a series of documents that will need to be properly archived for purposes of sharing information with education and training providers and for employer compliance with the Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures.
The job analysis reports will include a final version of the following:
- Task list (occupational competencies)
- Tools and technology list
- Competency linking examples
- SME ratings of foundational competency (importance and levels)
- List of SMEs that participated
- O*NET codes related to the job family
- CIP codes related to the job family
- List of related occupational credentials
- Job Family Portrait (detailed illustration of related O*NET data)
- JOFI foundational competency data (summary of O*NET data)